Transform security and efficiency with Smart Gate monitoring detect, prevent and protect!


Open gate detection: Automatic identification of a gate that remains open for a specific period of time;
Wrong direction: Identification of the wrong direction of cars and motorcycles;
Pedestrians: Identification of people passing through the gate;
Stopped person: Identification of a person stopped for a longer period of time than normal;
Crowd: Identification of an unusual crowd of people.
Vehicle monitoring:
Identification of a car stopped for a period of time;
Detection of simultaneous entry of two vehicles;
Detection of simultaneous entry of two motorcycles;
Detection of simultaneous entry of a car and a motorcycle;
Detection of simultaneous entry of a car and a person;
Detection of simultaneous entry of a motorcycle and a person.
AGATHA Gatekeeper use cases:
Residential building
Private security

Meet Agatha
Agatha is an innovative AI-based monitoring solution designed to optimize security operations in a variety of environments, such as monitoring centers, corporate buildings, and industries.
Its main focus is to automatically identify and alert about anomalous behaviors, such as break-ins, double-entry turnstiles, intrusions, and other suspicious activities.
Agatha can be integrated with any security camera and with IoT integrations for system automation, resulting in greater efficiency, cost reduction and real-time control.
The Agatha offers products such as: